To start with: With the “golden rules” it is like with “successful investment advisors”: If they existed, they would not exist.
Because in this case, the “successful investment advisor” would no longer try to talk other people’s money off, but would have a few billion of his own in accounts somewhere in the Cayman Islands or the Bahamas.
Nevertheless, there are a number of “typical success rules” that you can, may and should understand as a rough guideline for yourself and your idea. They don’t do everything well, but much easier and better. … And for the rest you have us. 🙂
Rule 1: Be unusual
The market is full of normal hairdressers, average screwdriver garages, monotonous Internet startups, boring corner shops, and … and … and…
If you have an idea, develop it so that it stands out and stands out from the crowd. Give us a very special added value, a benefit where we shout cheerfully, “Why didn’t it happen before?
Then your chances of finding your niche in the market will increase enormously.
Rule 2: Set yourself courageous goals
Regardless of whether you are aiming for world domination or whether you want to deal with the market monopoly in Germany or Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: set yourself courageous goals!
Only those who have goals really set off and don’t let themselves be shaken by the troubles and worries of the founding phase.
Rule 3: Learn from others
Old Confucius once put it that way:
- The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.
- The wise one learns from his own mistakes.
- The fool never learns.
If you learn the lessons from others’ mistakes, it not only saves you a lot of headaches, but also a lot of money. So open your eyes and ears wide and keep your surroundings – and not only your competitors! – in view!
In short: Always be vigilant and use the advice, tips, hints and help of others! – That’s what we are here for! 🙂
Rule 4: Plan luck and bad luck with a
“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’ll get,” said Forrest Gump in the film of the same name at the time.
And the guy was right! Because luck and bad luck cannot be taken into account in sales plans – and yet we have to reckon with them. Only then can it not throw us off track and still bring positive benefits even in a negative case.
In short: If you have not only “Plan A” in your pocket, but also “Plan B to Z” at your fingertips, you can sleep much more peacefully and are optimally equipped for all ups and downs.
Rule 5: Networks until the rind cracks
Nobody in the world has ever raised even the smallest successful company all by himself. Successful and resilient networks have always been at play.
Now some politicians tend to exaggerate it excessively, but we don’t run this risk – at least for the time being – rather the opposite. Those who focus too much on themselves lose contact with reality!
So networks, wherever and whenever you can. Take every opportunity to join business associations (usually cost membership fees), participate in our OpenCoffee Club, go to trade fairs, events and workshops. And with all the work you undoubtedly have: Invest at least half a day a week in your social business contacts! MINIMUM.
Of course, these should first be your professional ones. But if you don’t want to become blind to your company and artificially restrict yourself, you should also look out for adjacent industry contacts. These people are also at least good acquaintances, with whom you can exchange ideas over a beer (or tea).
And who knows?! Maybe your next order is already lurking there?
Rule 6: Product? Good! Distribution? Better!
Of course you have a great product. Of course your service is the best in the world. … But do your customers also know that?
Here is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for young entrepreneurs: They are so strongly focused on their product or service that they forget to think about who should buy it…
Don’t let this happen to you and prepare yourself for sales right from the start. Plan your sales strategies thoroughly! Put your arguments together, practice one – or more different – elevator pitches, …
In short: Get involved with your product or service. But above all, deal with sales!
Rule 7: You need a plan.
Not a single company in the world is run “haphazardly”. … at least not a successful one.
So sit on the bottom of your trousers and plan! Write a business plan! And formulate all your plans in writing and as detailed as possible. Don’t be satisfied with the “plan to get rich”, because that won’t be enough. 🙂 Too many steps you have to take to get there, there is too much to consider, to consider … and to plan in.
Rule 8: Follow your plan
It has already been mentioned several times: Life is not straightforward. And entrepreneurial life is not straightforward at all.
That’s why it’s so incredibly important that you have a good and mature plan, which you consistently pursue over the weeks, months and years before, during and after the foundation.
Measure all your successes and failures against this plan. Large and successful companies even have their own departments for this. … At least at the beginning you have to do this job.
In short: You should learn to love numbers.
Rule 9: Your team makes the difference
Your business idea is a lone wolf. You are a hero.
So don’t settle for the average, get the best people you can afford on board. Only – and only – then your company will remain extraordinary.
Many companies save on personnel costs because they are almost always the biggest expense item. Some can afford it – others save themselves a lot of money (Or would you visit a pub where an underpaid and bad-tempered waitress works more than once?). … Therefore, find the middle course that suits you best… and always orient yourself upwards and at every opportunity!
Rule 10: These are tips; no laws.
“Success is a law of the series and failure is an intermediate result. Those who continue cannot prevent success at some point.”
With these words of Thomas Edison (this was the inventor of the incandescent lamp; his heirs will have annoyed a wolf that he never had it patented ;)) we introduce the last rule.
And it is quite simple: These rules are not carved in stone! They should give you a red thread. In the end, you decide for yourself what is good and important for you.